On the Ground and Flying: Interviews with John Lautner

On the Ground and Flying: Interviews with John Lautner


The interview printed in this book was conducted by Marlene Laskey with John Lautner in 1982, as part of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Oral History Program. The 6½ hour interview, published here in a new format and accompanied by select images of Lautner’s projects, offers insight into the workings of an architect with a deep commitment to his profession, to a specific relationship to nature, and to architecture as craft. Lautner’s responses range from his childhood in Michigan, his apprenticeship with Frank Lloyd Wright at Taliesin, and the clients in Southern California who supported his ambitious designs.

Texts: John Lautner, Marlene Laskey - Partner: UCLA Library Special Collections - Graphic Design: Matthieu Becker - English and French editions, 186 pages + 2 bookmarks, December 2023

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